Photography, filming, drones in the national park

A photo safari from the grounds and paths

The national park offers ever-changing photographic subjects at every step and in every season. And it's not just ambitious nature photographers and filmmakers who can produce all types of touching images of the natural world. There's nothing stopping you, even if everyone is out and about on the paths or viewing platforms, letting nature be nature off the beaten track. In the Core Zones, paths must be strictly adhered to. Drones have no place in the protected area. They disturb animals and other visitors.

Mann mit Kamera fotografiert die Küste im Nationalpark Jasmund © K. Bärwald
There are countless photo motifs from the path

Photography and filming

... ideally always from the paths, in the Core Zone exclusively from the paths and without disturbing the flora and fauna - nature AND people benefit from these golden rules.

If the photo and film projects go beyond individual personal projects within this framework, a aproval is required. In principle, the National Park is not a backdrop for feature films, music or advertising.
The prerequisite for aprovals is that the film projects have the protection concern of the national park and the nature and landscape worthy of protection as their main content and that the film cannot be filmed outside the national park. Here, too, the top priority is to avoid disturbing the flora and fauna during filming.

If these requirements are met, it is sufficient to send an general request with a description of the project by email to:

The first step is to check whether the project is, in principle, suitable for the national park. For more detailed further consideration, a checklist must then be completed.

Please note that the approval requires a processing time of 4 weeks.


In order to give all animals in the national park their well-earned peace and to preserve what may be some animals' last retreat, the use of flying objects such as drones, paragliders, model aircraft or other aircraft is prohibited. This is governed by the Federal Aviation Regulations and the National Park Regulations.

Animals do not recognise these foreign bodies in the sky. Many species flee, use up important fat reserves or leave their breeding grounds.